Join us as we walk this holy week together, starting with the Hosanna's of palm Sunday, through the screams of Crucify Him, and into the Alleluia's of Easter. This week is a deelpy human walk as we explore all the emotions of hurt, pain, joy, loss, and triumph. 

Services will be livestreamed due to covid-19, and all the infommation on how to join us is below.

Use this link to join us on Youtube:

March 28- Palm Sunday: 10:30 am

March 29- Monday in Holy Week: 4pm Evening Prayer

March 30- Tuesday in Holy Week: 4pm Evening Prayer

March 31- Wednesday in Holy Week: 4pm Evening Prayer

April 1- Maundy Thursday: 7pm Commemoration of the Last Supper

April 2- Good Froday: 11 am- Zoom worship with Uhill United

April 3- Holy Saturday: 8pm- Great Vigil of Easter

April 4- Easter Sunday: 10:30 am- Festive Eucharist of the Ressurection 

Bulletin and service music will be available for Download below.

Zoom Links to the Good Friday Service are avaiable ––> passcode 094509


All are welcome!