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Palm Sunday    April 2 @ 10:30 am

Singing Hosanna as we recount the entry into Jerusalem. in-Person and Online.

Monday- Wednesday April 3-5 @ 4pm

Service of Evening Prayer. In-Person and Online.

Maundy Thursday  April 6 @ 7 pm

Institution of the Eucharist, Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar In-person and Online.

Good Friday   April 7 @ 10: 30 am

We worship with Uhill United @ Epiphany Chapel UBC

Join us on Zoom if you can't make it in person. Click here to join us.

Holy Saturday   April 8 @ 8 pm

Awaiting the resurrection with worship In- Person and Online

Easter Sunday  April 9 @10:30 am

Resurrection Sunday Festive Worship with Joyful Brass Music, Baptismal Renewal and Easter egg hunt during coffee hour.


All the bulletins for worship are linked below.