October 7, 2015
Guest Speaker

This is the first in a series of four talks that focused on justice for the earth and justice for First Nations. Christine Boyle is the director of Spirited Social Change, and a co-founder of Fossil Free Faith. Christine accompanied Naomi Klein to the Vatican in 2014 to participate in discussions as part of Pope Francis' preparation of his encyclical letter "ON CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME."* === Currently she coordinates the Interfaith Institute for Justice, Peace and Social Movements, and does strategic communications for the Columbia Institute and their Centre for Civic Governance. She also organizes and occasionally blogs via Spirited Social Change [www.spiritedsocialchange.org/]. === Christine is "motivated by a belief in the inherent goodness of people, and a longing for social institutions that support our deep desire to care for one another" and is "excited about doing faith-based community organizing, integrating progressive religious voices in our Canadian political discourse, and building justice-centered community for the 'spiritual but not religious'." === Christine's commitment to justice, healing and community has lead her many places. She has worked for the Vancouver School Board, Vancouver Coastal Health, the United Church of Canada and is also a certified yoga instructor. She has also coordinated local community gardens, facilitated community kitchens, led youth retreats, ran workshops on environmental and social justice issues. === The link for the statement and poem by Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Climate Summit 2014 - Opening Ceremony is youtu.be/mc_IgE7TBSY +++ Part 1 is the introduction and talk. Part 2, to be posted soon, will be the questions and answers and related discussion. +++ *w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html